I've got mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand I really enjoy Atwood's writing, her prose is just fantastic, on the other, I'm not into the story and I'm not caring at all for any of the charatcters, especially the main one. Jimmy is such a bore and the psychopath of Crake is just much of a typified genius-gone-mad. and Orynx is just a manic pixie dream type of girl, too one-dimensional... bah, maybe I'm just not really into dystopian fiction, though I have yet to read The Handmaid's Tale.
I feel it's such a pity that I'm not loving this book, I really wanted to like it, but perhaps my opinion will change as I finish this one... We'll see.
Really creepy book. Worth to read but I was not satisfied with the end and with the lack of info about the main topic of the story: *spoiler* the death of 4 member of the Blackwood family. Also I expected a little more depth into the characters but I'm still mentally saying WTF, so yeah, I'm definitely reading more Shirley Jackson. Next Stop: The Haunting of Hill House and The Lottery.
By the by, how awesome is the first edition cover??!
Many books to tackle next year. Many classics and moderns classics. Others must be re-read and re-examined. All in all, 2014 will be a year of lots of reading, like usual :)
I tend to create lists that I never follow afterwards, but I enjoy so much the process of thinking which books I want to read that I'll just post this up and we'll see by the end of the year how many I actually read.
Must Read Books (in no particular order):